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Revised Minutes April 27, 2005

Chairman Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Susan Burnham, Edwina Futtner,
                                  Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Terrie Kyc, James Murray.

Members absent: Marilyn Morrison, Janis Murtha.

Alternates present:       Carolyn Egan, John Mitchell sitting in for Commissioner Morrison,
                                      Michael Patitucci was sitting in for Commissioner Murtha.

Alternates absent:      

Others Present: Barry Guliano, Town Attorney, Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant, Deputy Mayor John Pelkey, Liaison to EDC




Motion to approve the minutes of March 23, 2005 Regular Meeting

Was made by Commissioner Kyc
Seconded by Commissioner Lillis

Vice-Chairman Carino moved to “amend” on page two, under item number 8-New Business-Tax Abatement for HPC Food Service, in the last sentence by removing the word is.  The sentence should read as follows: “Commissioner Lillis does not clearly understand the figures presented on the application, and what the Commission is abating.” Commissioner Lillis seconded the amendment.

Chairperson Anthony then called for a vote on the “Amended Motion.”  It was approved unanimously.

At this time, Anthony asked the commission to discuss Item #8. Town Attorney Barry Guliano was in attendance this evening to discuss the pass through on the tax abatement.

Motion to move to Item #8-New Business

Was made by Vice-Chairman Carino
Seconded by Commissioner Kyc
The motion carried unanimously.


Copies of Agreement Regarding Real Property Tax Assessment (Exhibit A) were distributed by
Attorney Guliano and questions were answered along with a brief discussion.

Economic Commission discussed the proposed Economic Assistance Plan.  The commission would like more information and will continue this discussion at another meeting.

Commissioner Mitchell would like to know what kind of tracking system does the Town  have for  tax abatement.  He would like to see a list of all the tax abatements EDC Commission has approved.  Mr. Pelkey stated that a list does exist and maybe it can be obtained from the Town Managers Office. Chairperson Anthony would like the list of tax abatements that are out there and she would also like to know what year they will be ending.  With no further discussion, Chairperson Anthony asked the Commission to address Item number 7 at this point.


Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant

Mr. Stevenson prepared  a Draft Incentive Policy (for discussion only), and presented it to the Commission.  This is the Business Enhancement Grant (Exhibit B) the purpose is to provide an incentive to those considering a business expansion or relocation where an increase in real property is not anticipated.  This would be particularly useful in the case of an existing building that has been vacant and difficult to reuse.  In order to qualify for this grant the applicant would have to meet all applicable criteria and requirements established by the Economic Development Commission under the Tax Partnership.  Applicants must agree to maintain the property or replace it with property of equal or greater value for a period of ten years.  This benefit can not be used in combination with existing local or state property tax abatement programs.  The Commission suggested Town Attorney to review the Draft  and set some type of guidelines for the Commission to review.  Chairperson Anthony suggested  members of Commission to bring any concerns to the next meeting for further discussion.  With no further discussion, Mr. Stevenson handed out his activity report and reviewed it with the members of the Commission.   (For more information please see Exhibit C)  The following are questions some of the members asked:

1.      Would a business if they meet the threshold criteria be subject to 100 % abatement at times?
2.      How could you keep a business that needs just new office equipment from getting the
        25% business enhancement grant with the personal property value as low as $25,000 (this is the          price of a pickup truck)?
3.      Is this meant to be similar to the assessment agreements in that it’s not an automatic?  Will there             still be a pick and choose situations?  Do we need the value this low?
       4.      Are things happening in empty buildings?
5.      Could we have an inventory of what buildings or sites we have now available in town?
     6.         Maybe the linkage should be the building is vacant for two or more years.
       7.      Could Barry give us some guidelines on what we can or can not do?
        8.      Chairperson Anthony asked that all members write down their concernsnd bring them to the next
                meeting, so we can discuss them at the next meeting and come up with some criteria.

Commission members had a lengthy discussion regarding whether or not WFSB-Channel 3 would move into South Windsor.  Chairperson Anthony and Mr. Stevenson stated that they have communicated with them several times as well as the Town Manager.  They have not made a decision.


Chairperson Anthony read to the Commission a Thank you letter from Mr. Jeff Sawyer, President of Generation 2, d/b/a Wentworth Park.

Development Day: This was the first  Economic Development Day; a continental breakfast was served followed by a bus tour.  Commissioner Burnham suggested that next year, someone should be greeting people at the door, just to introduce their selves and get to know each other.    The other thing was to
have everyone in the room introduce themselves.  Commissioner Mitchell suggested having this event released in the paper; others suggestions were made for consideration.


a)      Report from Liaison - Planning & Zoning Commission
        Chairperson Anthony reported on the following:
Stowe Kitchen and Bath: they are requesting a site plan for modification for a 4,000 square feet addition in Sullivan Avenue.

Nutmeg Recycling: located at Rye Street; they are looking for a site plan modification for the property located on Rye Street.

Four Seasons Painters: located at Chapel Road; they are looking for a site plan for construction of an office building and garage on the property.  Also they would like to add approximately 9,000 square feet of a building.

Oulundsen ‘s TAD Kwon-Do: They are moving out of Sullivan Avenue-Geizzlers plaza; the owner is requesting a special exception to operate his studio located at 259 Sullivan Avenue.

Highland Park Market & Evergreen Walk: Having a review of their building elevation.

Patria Office Building: they are requesting a site plan for office use in an existing office building.

Bradys Place Doggie Day Care: they are a looking for a request for special exceptions to operate a doggie day care on Pleasant Valley Road.

1162 Ellington Road: Looking for major home occupation.  It will be called Dog Gone Beautiful Dog Groom.

Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission
        No report was presented.

Report from Liaison Joseph Carino–Water Pollution Control Authority
        Vice-Chairman Carino reported on the following items:

        1249 John Fitch Boulevard: They are building a 25,000 sq. ft. building in the back of their
property.  According to Mr. Andre Charbonneau, he said he doesn’t have a tenant, they are building this building with the idea of leasing it to single or possible two tenants.  He came to us for a sewer approval, and the Water Pollution Control Authority gave approval for the connection to the Town’s sewerage system.

South Windsor Child Development Center: The house is zoned for residential use, they went to the Planning and Zoning Commission and were granted permission to change it for commercial use.  The attorney will use the house; it will be used as part of a commercial condominium.

        Report from Liasion Joseph Carino-Water Pollution Control Authority (Cont.)

        Buckland Road Sewer Line Extension: There was a soil condition there that prevented
        from laying the sewer line.   So they covered the ditch and the Engineering Department is looking at changes and design to lay the pipes properly.


Craig Stevenson said there were two projects he would like to discuss:

There is no Broad Band Connection in any area around South Satellite Road. Now there is  another industrial park  going in there. Mr Stevenson  spoke with the Town Manager about it and he was already thinking about a wireless system for municipal and Board of Education use.  Mr. Stevenson  has a couple of people who are investigating and creating one of the first industrial commercial wireless zones sponsored by the municipality.

Commissioner Egan stated that  the Town of Manchester tried to launch the same thing many years ago and they got snarled up around it with issues fumbling and they were not successful.  

55 Corneau Way Zone as Gateway area.  This building has been for sale for nearly 10 years and the building has been vacant most of that time.  A South Windsor resident would like to bring his business back to South Windsor in this building.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM

Was made by Commissioner Futtner
Seconded by Commissioner Mitchell
The motion carried unanimously.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary